Living down in southeast Texas in the dead of summer in a house with window units means constantly battling the harsh contrast of humidity that smothers you like a wet blanket with the dry blast of icy cold air blowing from a big white box directly into your face. It’s the perfect combination… if you like constantly having your allergies/sinuses flare up at a time of the year when you should be focused on swimming and eating ice cream and putting on sunblock ☀️ 🕶
Luckily, I’ve come up with a pretty decent attack plan on my part that includes all homeopathic, vegan remedies that help me cycle through any flare ups pretty quickly. Aside from these special remedies, I make sure that I bulk up on the daily supplements that I’m already taking. I’ve seen some pretty positive side effects from these three magic pills that I can find at my local grocery store and I’m super pumped 👊
I personally believe that you should try to get all of your vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat. So I look at these supplements as little “extras” that help keep me in check and boost my immune system year round. You might be surprised what made the list! Read on!
I started using the Pure Hawaiian brand a couple of years ago when I lived in Beijing. I had a package of the powdered version delivered to me from the Chinese version of (!) and I would add it to smoothies. Spirulina is packed with nutrients that boosts energy, supports heart health, eye & brain health, and boosts immunity. Once I got back to Texas, I stopped using it for a while and then when I saw my grocery store had the tablet version, I started buying those. I like the tablets better since I don’t make smoothies every day to add the powder to. I just take the tablets in the morning after I eat breakfast. The only downside is the recommended dose is 6 tablets per day, which is a lot. I normally take 4 per day but when I feel allergies and any other kind of bug coming on, I take at least 6. Pure Hawaiian is a great brand and their tablets are non-GMO verified and vegan!
This might be a supplement you’ve never heard of but I’ve seen the most positive side effects from it! I only learned about DIM-100 maybe 3 months ago when I was looking for all natural remedies for hormonal acne because it’s known for balancing hormones. It got some good reviews and I found this brand at the grocery store and decided to give it a try. It didn’t help with my acne at all, but right away I noticed a huge difference in another way. Since I’ve started taking DIM-100 I’ve stopped getting PMS all together and my periods are way more tolerable than they have ever been. I always used to get bloated, have really unhealthy food cravings, tummy trouble, cramps, and devil-like mood swings. No more! So if you’re a woman who has uncomfortable periods (which is basically every woman ever), I would definitely recommend this supplement! The only downside is it tends to be a bit more pricey. I pay about $25 for a two month supply, but I think it’s worth it. This brand is vegetarian, non-GMO, and you only take one capsule daily. Men can take it too because it also supports lean muscle mass 💪
If you’re a health nut like me, you might already be aware of the wonders of probiotics and how important they are for keeping your gut healthy. And the gut is the center of your body and effects how smoothly everything else is functioning. I’ve taken a few different brands of probiotics over the past couple of years, but I recently started using this brand from Jarrow and I love it. It’s in the refrigerator of the all natural aisle at the grocery store. For about $18 you get 200 capsules, plus it’s dairy and gluten free with 3.4 billion per capsule and 6 different strains (these are all very good things). It comes with FOS, which stands for fructooligosaccharides, which according to Jarrow’s website is a natural prebiotic fiber that enhances the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal track. I always take a capsule with my breakfast in the morning, but when I’m sick I take one with each meal and lately I’ve been taking about two a day with meals. I don’t always notice a difference with just the 1x daily, but 2x or 3x I can definitely tell my body better processes the food I’m eating, especially if it’s a heavy meal or something not particularly healthy.
***On a side note, in the winter I also buy liquid vitamin D from the natural foods store and try to get at least 5,000 units per day. This is a also a great supplement to take when you’re sick. When I’ve got a cold or some other kind of virus, I squeeze that vitamin D into my mouth like it’s liquid candy and there’s no tomorrow.
I keep the spirulina and DIM-100 on my desk where I can see them each day so I won’t forget to take them. I keep the probiotics on the door shelf in my fridge so they’re easy to find. And I’ve made taking these supplements part of my morning routine with breakfast and whenever else during the day I feel that I need them. It’s simple and quite effective. Everybody has their own supplements that they believe in, but if you aren’t taking these already I would recommend looking into them!
Jillian 💙
P.S. I’m not making any money off promoting these brands. I just included them because I use them myself and I think they’re great and if you’re not sure what brand to get, this may help!
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