All my life I always had a sweet tooth. I loved chocolate, cookies, cakes, ice cream, soda, candy – anything and everything sweet. When I went vegan, I noticed that after a couple of months, my sweet tooth began to disappear. Many of the sweets that I used to love just didn’t appeal to me anymore. Instead of ice cream now it’s banana nice cream. Instead of milk chocolate it’s dark chocolate. That kind of thing.
As my sweet tooth faded, it was replaced by a savory tooth! I love savory foods, especially if they incorporate an umami taste. This recipe for Sunflower Cheese & Dill Crackers checks off so many boxes. You get the savory, umami, cheesy, nutty Sunflower Cheese complemented with the lighter tasting cracker that is gluten free and contains yummy hints of dill. They pair together so well!
So preheat your oven and soak some sunflower seeds and let’s get started!